Portugese Hydrogen Association publishes Lisbon Statement on Hydrogen
The Portugese Hydrogen Association APH2 published the “Lisbon Statement on Hydrogen” to draw governments  attentioin to the need to speed up the support for sustainable hydrogen infrastrucutre developments. The statement urges  overnments  to boost directly
or indirectly the implementation of a Hydrogen based Economy.
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ENI opens another hydrogen / natural gas mixture station near Milan
On February 8 the President of the Region of Lombardy Formigoni inaugurated the first hydrogen- natural gas mixture  station in L in Milan. The use of ..read on»
Bulgarian Hydrogen Association requests EHA membership
Bulgarian Hydrogen Society (BG H2 Society) has been founded by the Ministry of Defense of Republic of Bulgaria, members of Bulgarian Parliament, University of Chemical ..read on»
Copenhagen opens Hydrogen Station in time for COP 15
The City of Copenhagen has inaugurated its first hydrogen fueling station ..read on»
Hychain project delivers 13 FCV’s to Spanish municpality
The Hychain-Minitrans project, coordinated by Air Liquide, develops fleets of small hydrogen-powered urban vehicles ..read on»
Baden Wuerttemberg jumpstarts electric transportation.
The Stuttgart Regional Economic Development Corporation (Stuttgart Region EDC) has been awarded 115-million euros by Germany's Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs in a ..read on»
Italian Assocation H2IT organises JTI Second Call Seminar July 17, 2009 Milan
H2IT in collaboration with the local chapter of the EU Enterprise Europe Network and the Italian Federation of Scientific and TechnicalAssociations FAST is organised a ..read on»
Italian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association AGM promotes creation of national platform
H2IT, the Italian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association, is collaborating with Italy's biggest industry organisation Confindustria to establish an Italian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Platform, ..read on»
Swiss CityCat H2 sweeps streets really clean!
Empa a Swiss  interdisciplinary research and services institution  for material sciences and technology development, home of the Swiss Hydrogen Association "Hydropole", and Paul Scherrer Institut ..read on»
Marie Curie Hydrogen Research Network meets in Warsaw
The third meeting Marie Curie Research Training Network "Hydrogen" will take place from October 21-25, 2009 in Warsaw ..read on»