KnowHy – Improving the Knowledge in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology for Technicians and Workers
KnowHy is a 3 years European FP7-project - funded by the European Commission and coordinated by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking - that aims at providing on»
POWER-UP project presented at Hannover Fair 2015
European Hydrogen Association facilitated a POWER-UP project presentation at the FC H@ and Battery Group Exhibit during HANNOVER MESSE 2015, the largest hydrogen, fuel cell and on»
Info Day 2015 on upcoming FCH JU Call for Proposals 2015
On the 7th of May 2015, the The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU)  held its Infoday on the  new Call for Proposals on»
DON QUICHOTE project is completing Renewable Hydrogen Installation
The Don Quichote project seeks to demonstrate the technical and economic viability of an integrated hydrogen storage system for renewable electricity linked to a hydrogen on»
KnowHy project – latest update
Registration is now open for online H2 and FC technician course and start this September! For more info please click here It is widely accepted that on»
Join HyResponse project three pilot training sessions!
HyResponse is a 'Coordination and Support Action (CSA)' project supported by EC Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking and aiming to establish the World's on»
H2TRUST – final workshop
A joint workshop will be organised by the projects: H2Trust, SUAV, Hycarus and HYPER and will take place on Wednesday 25th on»
H2Trust project: developing public confidence through best practice
Nine European partners, including associations, leading companies, universities, technological and research centres have launched H2TRUST, a consortium formed to foster a smooth and on»
FC-HyGuide presented during the SETAC Europe 21st Annual Meeting
FC-HyGuide was presented during The Ecosystem Protection in a Sustainable World: a Challenge for Science and Regulation, SETAC Europe Annual Meeting is Europe's biggest meeting on on»