C40, the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, the Urban Climate Change Research Network (UCCRN) and Acclimatise on June 19, 2018 publisehd a report titled “The future we don’t want”, listing the  the key global warming challenges world cities will face: .As many as 270 power plants could face an increased risk of flooding by 2050 following the most pessimistic but currently most likely future according to the RCP 8.5 scenario (where GHG emissions continue to rise) of  the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), for their calculations.

The report comes at a particular politcal moment in EU’s energy transition, politcally, as major energy efficiency and rennewable energy dossiers saw a conclusion end of June and as on June 28, 2018 the EU signed an agreement with the Baltic nations and Poland on a roadmap to synchronise the region’s electricity network with the rest of continental Europe’s by 2025 and end their reliance on the Russian grid.

According to the roadmap, the deadline for concluding the synchronisation of the Baltic grid is set for 2025, using an existing electricity interconnector between Poland and Lithuania, as well as a planned undersea cable. The latter project will only be undertaken if the results of a study by the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E) show that it guarantees energy security, security of supply and if its costs are within reason. Results are due in September. Energy Union boss Maroš Šefčovič called the deal “solidarity at its best“, adding that the project will “cost us a lot from the European budget”, through the Connecting Europe Facility CEF.

Poland’s role in the preliminary deal is crucial as it will act as the primary link between the Baltics and the rest of Europe. the agreement was long overdue as it was unclear how best to cut ties with the Russian-Belorussian network . Estonia is the least reliant on energy imports oand is already selling its surplus energy statistics to the highest bidder, whereas Latvia and Lithuania both bring in over 50% of their power needs. Estonia and Latvia initially both favoured setting up a second alternating current (AC) connection with Poland to complement the existing LitPol link but Lithuania and Poland did not support that idea, despite studies showing that two AC connections would be best. Instead, Estonia and Latvia agreed to an undersea direct current (DC) link between Lithuania and Poland, provided the results of the ENTSO-E study are acceptable. Lithuania and Luxembourg became the first EU member states to agree on the transfer of renewable energy statistics in October 2017. Desynchronisation is particularly pressing for Lithuania, which has long objected to an under-construction nuclear power plant on its border with Belarus and which President Dalia Grybauskaitė last year called a “Russian geopolitical project”. within 50km of Lithuania’s capital, Vilnius  which is due to start coming online next year. the plantt  will help cut its reliance on Russian gas (currently around 95% annually), although it will exchange that particular dependence for an exclusive nuclear fuel contract with Russia