Over the last month various sketches of a new EU Commission surfaced but just before this monthly update was issued it is likely that there will be a Spanish Energy and Climate Commissioner who probably will need to confer closely with a Latvian Commissioner for “Energy Union”, the result of a long term effort of former former EC president Jacques Delors and former EU Parliament president Jerzy Buzek. Transport might end up in Czech hands and Environment will see a Danish Commissioner. Various dossiers that the EHA is following are waiting for new top level input in order to be moved forward, more specifically with regards to mandatory national plans, like the directive on a policy framework for Energy and Climate in the period from 2020 till 2030(COM 2015/14) including the fate of the Fuel Quality Directive. The appointment of Donal Tusk, the Polish prime minister, as the new president of the European Council will probably have consequences for the EU’s energy and transport ambitions with regards to innovation. In parallel talks of including transport in the ETS indicate an urgent  need for more detailed information on the potential impact of ETS inclusion at various carbon prices. The EHA with the support of our intern Barbara Pianese has mapped the EU Parliament members per region to engage them more effectively in FC and H2 support. In addition EHA communication manager Ahmed Aly Assam is in touch with our national member associations to ensure visibility of relevant EU project results in the different EU Member States to facilitate the integration of hydrogen in the national plans for alternative fuels (COM2014/18) and integrated roadmaps for energy technologies (COM2013/253).