The president of Aragon, Francisco Javier Lambán Montañes, opened the 21st of edition of the World Hydrogen Energy Conference in Zaragoza on June 13, 2016 (see photo with on the left Javier Brey, president of the Spanish Hydorgen Association, AeH2 and vice presidentof the EHA). In the first plenary session, with the presence of Tudor Constantinescu, principle advisor DG Energy, Manfreid Klietz vice president of Research Powertrain of the BMW Group and Jacques Prieraets, vice – president Communications, External and Environmental Affairs of Toyota Europa jointly referred to increasing interest in car manufacturing communities in fuel cells and hydrogen. BMW is pointing to the request of their customers to reduce well to wheel zero emissions and Toyota is implementing its zero emisssion ambition in all aspects of their operations in their 2050 Environmental Challenge. Bjorn Simonsson director of Business Development of NEL, introduced NEL founder Sam Eyde who, in the early 1900’s, who inheritated a waterfall and started power production. H2Logic 75 years later, now owned by NEL, is making sure that already today 50% of the Danish population is only 15km away from a H2 station. The EHA will be reporting form the WHEC all through the week and is organizing its Annual General Meeting as a virtual event on the last day, June 16, to inform its members of the latest developments and decide on its 2016 – 2017 action plan.