The EU Parliament Environment Committee on October 18, 2018  approved for the first time in history a legally binding 35% cut in carbon dioxide emissions from new trucks by 2030, repsonsible for 25% of the EU’s transport emissions. The Committee also backed a surprising intermediate target of 20% by 2025.

In addition a mandate will be introduced for zero and low-emission trucks of 5% by 2025 and 20% by 2030, excluding trucks running on natural gas. Urban buses will see a higher mandate of 50% by 2025 and 75% by 2030 for which only fuel cell and battery powered buses will meet this target.

Phote: courtesy Coop Switzerland: COOP launched a 34 ton 100 kW FC truck  in March 2017. The hydrogen is stored behind the driver’s cab, in a rack holding seven carbon fibre cylinders rated at 350 bar, situated directly on the refrigerated body. These tanks provide the truck with up to 31 kg of usable hydrogen, for a range of 375–400 km (235–250 miles). The frist public refuelling station in Hunzenschwill in the kanton Aarau will dispense hydrogen produced through an electrolyser powered by electricity from a run-of-the-river hydroelectric power plant of local energy supplier IBAarau, ithat will dedicate 2% of its output to hydrogen production ( 20.000 kg of hydrogen, sufficient to run about 170 cars) and then delivered to Coop Mineralöl.