De EU Commission on March 10, 2020 presented its New industrial strategy for Europe as ” Europe needs an industry that becomes greener and more digital while remaining competitive on the global stage”.

The strategy indicates that “reducing emissions across industry will depend on an ‘energy efficiency first’ principle and a secure and sufficient supply of low-carbon energy at competitive prices. This will require
planning and investment in low-carbon generation technologies, capacity and infrastructure. We will need a more strategic approach to renewable energy industries, such as offshore energy, and the supply chain underpinning them. This will also help cater for a substantial increase in the amount of electricity required by the twin transitions. This should be supported by efforts to better connect Europe’s electricity systems to increase security of electricity supply and integrate more renewables. As part of this, all carriers of energy, including electricity, gas and liquid fuels will need to be used more effectively by linking different sectors. This will be the aim of a new strategy for smart sector integration, which will also set out the Commission’s vision on clean hydrogen. The use of trans-European energy networks will also support the transition to climate neutrality” (page 8)

Last but not least the strategy in referring to the need to assess new industrial ecosystems (page 15)the Commission indicated that “where identified as necessary, the approach of industrial alliances could be the appropriate tool. This has already shown its benefit in the area of batteries, plastics and microelectronics. The European Battery Alliance has managed to move the EU to a position of industrial frontrunner in this key technology. Alliances can steer work and help finance large-scale projects with positive spillover effects across Europe, using the knowledge of SMEs, big companies, researchers and regions to help remove barriers to innovation and improve policy coherence.

The Commission is pointing to Clean Hydrogen is a prime example of where this can have a real added value and  will shortly propose to launch the new European Clean Hydrogen Alliance bringing investors together with governmental, institutional and industrial partners. The Alliance will build on existing work to identify technology needs, investment opportunities and regulatory barriers and enablers. Future alliances should also include low-carbon industries, Industrial Clouds and Platforms and raw materials.