When: 11 September, 2012   Where: Hammamet, Tunisia. The exact venue TBC

The Euro-Mediterranean Hydrogen Technologies Conference will take place on September 11-14, 2012 in Hammamet, Tunisia. The conference is organised in the framework of ETRERA project funded by the EU through FP7. The project has been set up to reinforce CRTEn, a Tunisian high-quality research centre working on renewable energy issue.

EmHyTeC aims to promote research and application of hydrogen technologies to set up a  sustainable, secure and  competitive energy system in the  Euro-Mediterranean area. EmHyTeC is an opportunity for researchers and entrepreneurs to  exchange ideas and experience on the following topics:

Hydrogen Production and Storage

• Fundamentals, modeling and simulation

• Materials

• Distribution

Fuel Cell Technologies

• Fundamentals, modeling and simulation

• Materials and components

• Stack development

• Breakthrough technologies

Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Systems

• Stationary and residential applications

• Transportation

• Integration with renewable sources

Policy and Cross-Cutting Issues on Hydrogen  and Fuel Cells

• Prospects, procedures, standards, state of the art in the industrial development and applications

• Future Prospects in developing countries

• International and national programmes

For more information on the event please contact the conference’s secretariat at


For more information on speaking opportunities, please contact the chairperson at


The deadline for submission of abstracts is March 16, 2012.