The TEN T Call that was published on December 11, 2013 raises the budget for alternative fuels infrastructure deployment to 50 mln demonstrating the EU Commission ambition to implement alternative fuels corridors throughout Europe. Although the Eu Council days before toned down the targets for alternative fuels infrastructure in Europe the EU Commission demonstrated its clear focus on closing the commercial gap that hindersclean technology deployment. The 2013 Annual Call has a budget of €70 million and is organised under two specific priorities:
Priority 1 – Acceleration/facilitation of the implementation of TEN-T projects: indicative budget €20 million
Priority 2 – Measures to promote innovation and new technologies for transport infrastructure: indicative budget €50 million. For any questions concerning this Call please check the 2013 Annual Call FAQ page or contact the Annual Call Helpdesk.
The EHA is currently exploring potential locations and countries whose ministries could support further hydrogen station roll out in relevant locations where the first FCEV fleets are planned.