Celebrating 10 years of forcing Synergy between EU’s clean energy networks and EU’s main transport corridors the Dutch Ministry of Infrastucture and Watermanagement co-organized the biannual meeting of the corridor coordinators of the Rhine Alpine, North-Sea Mediterranean and North-Sea Baltic TEN T corridors, all three running through the Netherlands hosted by the Port of Amsterdam. /the meeting focussed on forcing more synergies between the scale up of zero net energy networks and acceleration of the deployment of zero emission heavy duty applications along EU’s main corridors.  The “Synergy study”, that highlighted potential locations for Synergy projects along EU’s main transport corridors, supported by the Dutch ministry and to which the EHA contributed recently was presented to set the tone of several sessions in which past and current projects with several synergic elements were presented. Dutch Minister of I&W Mark Harbers, opened the meeting referring to several Dutch Hydrogen  initiatives like the RH2INE network and the HEAVENN hydrogen valley projects that could offer an excellent basis to further synergies in the larger scale roll out in the coming years.