The Paris COP21 agreement approved on December 12, 2015 seems to includes all the right phrasing (see art 2, page 22)) to help remove the final barriers to put H2 and FC firmly on the global “post Paris” map: “global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels….low greenhouse gas emissions development … finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climateresilient development…” In addition and thanks to the efforts of members of the French Association of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells (AFHYPAC), the visibility of hydrogen and fuel cells in the main COP conference zone and the Grand Palais reached unprecedented levels. Together with the announcements before and during the COP21 of two new hydrogen refulling stations in the Paris metropolitan area, the contribution of hydrogen and fuel cells to fulfill the “Oui can!” ambition of this last COP can no longer be ignored.
Just before the COP we interviewed one of the French motors of H2 and FC change, AFHYPAC president and McPhy CEO, Pascal Mauberger, to highlight the latest developments in France: “The first important achievement of this year has been the law “for the energy transition and green growth” on August 18; section 121 is entirely dedicated to H2 and refueling infrastructure plus large-scale energy storage systems based on H2. Second point: in the national plan “Industry of the future” H2 is clearly indicated as the main component of ecological mobility. The plan refers to 1000 hydrogen vehicles and tens of hydrogen filling stations by 2018.” The full text of the interview is available through this link.
The EHA team in Brussels is gearing up for 2016 to ensure H2 and FC visibility many important policy actions: finalisation of national policy frameworks for Alternative fuels infrastructure, Air Quality, EU’s Renewable Energy post 2020 including in transport (your input needed to EU consultation!), possibly a review of the 2020 targets in view of the COP21 decision, Circular Economy… For this purpose and to stay close to the heartbeat of urban innovation in Europe’s capitals, our office operations will move the end of this year to an up and coming district of Brussels.
With our best wishes for a peaceful holiday season and a happy and successful New Year!
(Photo: Paris’ hydrogen taxi Hype at the Air Liquid refueling station)