When: 23 August, 2015

The Scottish Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Association is organizing its annual Scottish Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Conference  on 23rd and 24th September 2015 in Kirkwall, Orkney, featuring the enabling role for hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and products in distributed applications, supporting the development of the local energy system as exemplified by islands and evolving into corridors and territories.

This year’s conference programme brings together SHFCA members and invited expert speakers for sessions which will explore opportunities for growth in international trade and partnerships, and how hydrogen and fuel cells can be the smarter choice in Heat, Power, and Transport applications. Linking all of these activities together in the smart integrated energy systems of the futures is the underpinning theme of Hydrogen Islands. The conference will also explore opportunities for effective cooperation and partnership working between countries, both in Europe and internationally.

Daryl Wilson, CEO of Hydrogenics, will deliver the invited keynote speech, highlighting the market opportunities and key links between Scotland and Canada for trade and innovation.

The  annual SHFCA conference dinner, which this year is being sponsored by Orkney Islands Council and Doosan Babcock, takes place on the evening of Wednesday 23rd September. This year the conference dinner is being supported by Orkney Islands Council and Doosan Babcock.

For registrations click here