After the announcement of the ambition of 6 major hydrogen refuelling infrastructure suppliers last September to invest 350 mln in a 400 hydrogen station network in Germany the coming 10 years, the rest of Europe is waking up to the current situation of hydrogen station authorisation. Although there are no standardized EU authorisation procedures for other alternative fuels like natural gas or even conventional petrol stations, the understanding is that standardized procedures could significantly speed up H2 infrastructure roll out. In the EU proposal for a Directive on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure the need for standards for powering  fuel cell electric and battery electric vehicles has become more evident. The EHA participated in a CEN CENELEC workshop last October to discuss the best way forward to ensure that the variety of authorisation procedures that exist today in EU Members will be harmonized in the next few years. As the EU Parliament rapporteur of the new Directive included an amendment that broadens the ambition of article 5 on hydrogen to Member States that do not have started hydrogen infrastructure activities this issue might land on the doorstep of authorisation officials in all corners of Europe by 2030.