On October 7th, 2021 the results of the EU CEF-funded RH2INE Kickstart Study, on the application of hydrogen in inland waterway transport (IWT) were presented. The study has been coordinated by the Province of Zuid Holland, in cooperation with the ministry of Economic Affairs of Nordrhein-Westfalen, the Port of Rotterdam, Duisport and Rheincargo. Together with experts from DNV,/ Buck Consultants/CE Delft/KIWA and ZBT/Energy Engineers detailed recommendations have been developed to support the build up of infrastructure for hydrogen vessels along the busiest EU IWT corridor, including a perspective of hydrogen demand, development of innovative modular hydrogen container solution, fuelling facility design study and a report on relevant safety regulations’ status and gaps. The results of these sub-studies offer detailed insights into the sustainable integration of hydrogen as a transport fuel in the full value chain of the transport sectors with one of the highest potential demands for hydrogen: inland waterway transport. Since 2018 EHA has been supporting the set up of the RH2INE intiative as follow up of the first EU CEF Synergy Project TSO2020, that was finalized in September 2021, to link clean energy networks with clean transport corridor networks in Europe.