When: 21 March, 2011   Where: Ulm

Background: Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells

The PEFC Fuel Cell uses a polymer membrane as an electrolyte. It is used in all applications with dynamic loads, especially in mobile applications but also as combined heat and power units in households. The development of the ion-conductivity of the membranes has much increased over the last 30 years.

Today nafionbased membranes achieve a power density up to 1 W/cm² active area. In the last 10 years the successful adoption of the PEFC in different prototypes could be demonstrated. For a market introduction a few “teething problem” like life-time and costs have to be solved. In this context scientists have high expectations in the development of high-temperature membranes. Cells with these temperatures can be operated over 100°C.

The PEFC-Course gives a detailed introduction in PEFC-Technology, shows the state of the art of the development and gives hints to present bottlenecks and suggested research/development directions.

Who should attend?

This course is suitable for scientists and engineers working in or entering the fuel cell industry, employees of industries that have recently invested or plan to invest in fuel cell technology and science and engineering graduate students desiring an understanding of fuel cell technology. It is also aimed at science and engineering faculty whose expertise lie in other fields and are looking to enter.

The course will be valuable to people who wish to achieve a quick working knowledge of fuel cells and utilize this information at their work. The course is structured to ensure that no prior knowledge of electrochemistry or fuel cell technology is required for participation. A B.S. degree in a science or engineering discipline is desirable but not required.

Lecture topics include:

  • Electrochemical fundamentals of fuel cells
  • Overview of fuel cell applications
  • Fundamentals of electrocatalysis
  • Properties of ion-conducting materials
  • Polymer electrolytes
  • Sealing and gasketing
  • Porous media
  • Membrane electrode assemblies
  • Coating technologies
  • PEFC at elevated temperatures
  • Lifetime aspects of PEFC
  • High temperature fuel cells
  • Gas processing
  • Testing of fuel cells

Laboratory topics include:

  • Electrochemical fundamentals of fuel cells
  • Basic experiments with fuel cell kits
  • Operation of a PEFC stack by pressure and gas composition
  • Theoretical introduction by variation in humidification and temperature
  • Manufacturing of a membrane electrode assembly by spray coating
  • Manufacturing of a PEFC stack
  • Operation of a fuel cell CHP
  • Operation of a PEFC stack in hybrid systems
  • Operation of a PEFC based uninterrupted power supply unit

For more information visit: wbzu