Poland will have its first hydrogen refueling stations. Several of them will be built on the main communication routes in Poland says the report of the Motor Transport Institute (ITS) and the Polish Press Agency (PAP).

“First two stations will be constructed in Poznań and Warsaw. The Tri-city, Białystok, Kraków, Katowice, Wrocłąw and Łódź will be the next locations,” said Marcin Ślęzak, the director of the Motor Transport Institute (ITS). ITS has signed a letter of intent with Poland’s largest utility PGE, which will be the contractor of the stations in Warsaw and Poznań, as mentioned in the company’s press release.

The project will be carried out within the framework of the EU program of Hydrogen Infrastructure for Transport and is financed from the EU budget. Hydrogen refueling stations in Poland will extend mobility corridors for hydrogen vehicles and will stimulate development of hydrogen technologies in neighboring countries which don’t have hydrogen stations yet.
