Fuel Cell Finland Industry Group at the last EHA national association meeting in Brussels on January 14, 2016 announced that a  SOFC plant will be installed in the SMAT Collegno WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant), in the Turin area as part of the DEMOSOFC project supported by the FCH JU. The fuel cell will supply around 30% of the site’s electricity demand and almost 100% of the thermal requirements. The DEMOSOFC plant will be the first example in Europe of high efficiency cogeneration plant with a medium size fuel cell fed by biogas.
DEMOSOFC partnership includes, besides SMAT and Politecnico di Torino, the Finnish fuel cell manufacturing company Convion Oy and the Finnish research center Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus VTT, together with the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (UK).

Click here for further informations about the project.


Photo credit: demosofc.eu