The mid-term workshop of the European project HyLift Europe – Clean efficient power for materials handling – took place On june 7, 2016at the Prelocentre site in Saint-Cyr-en-Val, near Orléans (France). The centre is operating Europe’s first fleet of 100% hydrogen-powered fuel cell forklift trucks. The Workshop, organised by the HyLift Europe consortium with the support of HyLIFT partner FAST and the EHA, gathered around 40 participants including representatives from relevant companies such as Toyota, Colroyut, STILL and LBST, local authorities including the Mayor of St Cyr-en-Val and the DREAL territorial unit of Loiret as well as the FCHJU which funded the project. Participants had the possibility to attend sessions that offered detailed insight in the indoor hydrogen refuelling installation, the fuel cell powered forklift trucks’ operations as well as the outdoor hydrogen tubes. The event was opened by Philippe Giroux, director of Prelocentre, followed by the speeches of the Mayor Christian Braux, Enrique Giron from FCHJU, Xavier Pontone from Air Liquide and Jose-Luis Crespo from PlugPower, who all highlighted the importance of investing in hydrogen and fuel cells to bring down costs and facilitate first markets..