Registration is now open for online H2 and FC technician course and start this September! For more info please click here

It is widely accepted that job opportunities for technicians and workers will arise in the short term for FC&H2 applications, but at the same time there is a lack of training offers for technicians. Companies will need a practical training for their technicians and workers.

The project KnowHy (Improving the Knowledge in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology for Technicians and Workers) is a European co-funded project aims to provide to the widest possible audience of active technicians specific training modules, practical and in an appropriate format to facilitate the deployment of the technology that is expected for the next program 2014-2020 at affordable cost.

The consortium of the project KnowHy participated in the second project meeting hosted by the Fundación para el Desarrollo de las Nuevas Tecnologías del Hidrógeno en Aragón in the Technological Park Walqa  on the 4th of February. The project partners are:

  •  Technical University Delft (Coordinator)
  • Fundación para el Desarrollo de las Nuevas Tecnologías del Hidrógeno en Aragón
  • Fundación San Valero
  • Technische Universität München
  • Environment Park
  • Campus Automobile
  • University of Birmingham
  • Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa
  • FAST – Federazione delle Associazioni scientifiche e tecniche in cooperation with European Hydrogen Asscioation
  • Vertigo Games B.V.
  • PNO Consultants B.V.
  • Kiwa Netherlands
  • McPhy Energy S.A.

The objective of the KnowHy project is to create a sustainable training offer with the following features:

  1. A set of specific courses, focused on the applications which are going to enter market roll-out phase
  2. Modern E-learning format for active technicians provided in mother tongue
  3. Practical training at demo facilities to complement the lessons
  4. Low cost or at least affordable courses
  5. Easily adaptable courses to other languages or new applications, scalable and replicable.
  6. Self-sustained training offer
  7. Establishment of a Legal entity to continue the course

FAST-EHA is leading the promotion of the project, the establishment of liaisons and the dissemination to stakeholders. With the support of local partners, it will ensure the visibility of the project and of its lessons learned and the correct dissemination through FC&H2 industry research institutions and companies, educational institutions, public bodies and general public.

The project lasts from September 2014 to August 2017. The budget of the project is 1.437.000 euro where 1.000.000 euro is funded by the Seventh Framework Programme within the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU).