When: 7 November, 2016

The latest update of  DON QUICHOTE  project on developing innovative concept of hydrogen out of wind turbine electricity, will be presented on the 7th of November (from 14:00 till 16:30) in Milan

The Don Quichote project is demonstrating that the use of hydrogen as a large-scale renewable energy storage solution is not “tilting windmills” anymore but that technology development and system integration point to an interesting business case for end customers. The workshop will focus on the latest project update related to this Power-to-Gas concept.

The programme:

13:45 Registration

14:00 Opening
Alberto Pieri, FAST

14:15 DON QUICHOTE project
Wouter Van der Laak, Waterstofnet
Jan Vaes, Hydrogenics

14,45 The Power-to-Gas Roadmap Study
Isabel Francois, Waterstofnet

15:00  Roundtable discussion with the stakeholders

16:30 Closing

The event is taking place in the Italian language (simultaneous interpretation in English is available).

The participation is for free. To register please click here.

For more info, please contact ahmed@fast.mi.it