When: 24 May, 2011

Within the the Cleantech Cluster Event Series, on the 24th of May the London Hydrogen Partnership will collaboratively sponsor the cluster event “Is London creating a Hydrogen cluster for Transport?”

The London Cleantech Cluster Event, on 24 May 2011 will focus on the theme of hydrogen and fuel cells in transport. London already has a fleet of hydrogen buses under the CHIC project – and is introducing black cabs fuelled by hydrogen. This event will explore whether these vehicles are the precursors of a fully fledged hydrogen economy in the city.

Panelists will debate questions such as:

– London is already rolling out a battery electric vehicle charging infrastructure: do we need a hydrogen infrastructure for transport as well?

– What is the role of Transport for London in promoting innovative transport solutions in hydrogen and fuel cell space?

– How is the technology in hydrogen and fuel cells for transport progressing? Is it economically feasible to run a hydrogen or fuel cell vehicle?

– Which London research institutes are focusing on hydrogen and fuel cells? And do they work in unison with the London Authority?

For More Information See: London Cluster Events Series