When: 23 November, 2015

The event will take place as part of the conference dedicated to the HIT-2 Corridors project, which aims to create and integrate a European infrastructure network for the use of hydrogen as a fuel in the road transport.

Place of the conference: Motor Transport Institute, ul. Jagiellonska 80 (Vehicle Inspection Station building)

Date: 23.11.2015

Conference programme:

  • 10.30 Opening of the conference – Director of ITS Assoc. Prof. Marcin Ślęzak, PhD, Eng.
  • 10.35 Issues concerning the HIT-2 Corridors project – Sweco, Hydrogen Sweden, Motor Transport Institute
  • 10.50 Presentation of vehicles using fuel cells – Hyundai Motor Poland
  • 11.05 Presentation of vehicles using fuel cells – Toyota Motor Poland
  • 11.20 Test driving the hydrogen powered vehicles
  • 12.00 Lunch


The nearest hotel is IBIS (4,1 km – 8 minutes by car, 16 minutes by tram nr 16 (station name: PIMOT):http://www.ibis.com/pl/booking/hotels-list.shtml#


Mikołaj Krupiński,

Motor Transport Institute
ul. Jagiellońska 80, 03-301 Warszawa
tel. +48 22 43 85 538
tel. kom. +48 604 931 310