In view of the recently announced financing programmes of the European Energy Programme for Recovery (see under EU Policy), that covers support for new Interconnections, Wind ans CCS, the EU Green Car Initiative, Clean Bus Financing Facility and  Renewable Energy Financing Facility, all including billions of Euros of cofinancing or facilitated loans, the EHA at its Annual General Meeting on June 17, 2009 in Brussels will be focussing on potential links of these porgrammes with hydrogen developments in the presence of the representatives of the European Investment Bank and the JTI Governing Board .  In order to continue sustainable progress in the commercialisation of market ready hydrogen and fuel cell products, leveraging  of EU, national and local support will be crucial.  Recent support for electric vehicles and battery development will only accelerate this process, but only if long term finacial support for hydrogen and fuel cells is guaranteed. The EHA’s Annual General Assembly and EHA’s National Association Meeting on June 17 will also discuss the role of the EHA and national associations to coordinate structured developments and to ensure complementary funding at national and local level. Please register for both events by writing an email to