The EHA has been involved in two EU Commission Working Groups in two different Directorates  that are dealing with importnat aspects of hydrogen deployment in transport. The Working Group Hydrogen is finalizing the safety measures in hte implementation guidelines of the EU Regulation on the type-approval for hydrogen powered vehicles cars. This work has been carried out since the Regulation was adopted. The Regulation type-approval process will come online in 2012.  The Group is also looking at the environmental measures. The work is scheduled to be finalized by this November. The EHA has been asked to submit topics for future activities in this Group. The EHA is also involved in the Work on the Future Transport Fuels Group of DG MOVE to identify the role of different fuesl in the fuutre. THe EHA is collaborating with the JTI to ensure that the hydrogen’s is  addressed satisfactually.  Key EU officials responsibel for these two groups  have confirmed that particpation in the EHA -HyER (formerly HyRaMP) third Infrastructure Seminar that is being held on October 20. Registration is open by emails to the EHA secretariat at