Brussels is bubbling with dossiers that require active contributions of our industry: the EU Clean and Energy Efficient Vehicles Strategy, as presented by the EU Commission on April 28, and discussed in the EHA/HyER (formerly HyRaMP) seminar on March 23 in Brussels, included encouraging text. Complementary development of battery and fuel cell car development was mentioned as well as the need for an assessment on whether synergies exist between capacity build up for electric and hydrogen vehicles and their connection to low-carbon electricity sources, as indicated in the EHA postion paper on the strategy.
The EHA was also contacted by DG Environment to give input on the future development of hydrogen refuelling stations with regards to the Review of the Seveso II Directive, that limits hydrogen on-site storage to 5 tons. Last but not least in a meeting with DG Enterprise, the EHA discussed further EU action on standardisation of infrastructure build-up in Europe and the EHA interest to contribute to the proposed EU Platform for electric transport. The EU Competitiveness Council of May 25-26 will decide on the Clean Vehicles Strategy and therefore it will be very important in the next three weeks to take action at national level to inform government officials of the need to include fuel cell vehicles in their support for electric mobility and to ensure the best use of primary energy sources in transport infrastructure build-up. We also ask national governments for support for an EU coordinated electric transprot platform, consisting of all zero emission transport stakeholders. EHA national association members are well placed to engage with national decision makers on these topics. The EHA Annual General Assembly and the EHA National Association Meeting that are taking place on June 22 in Brussels will be important occasions to discuss national progress, share experiences and celebrate our ten years of promotion and dissemination of the use of hydrogen in Europe .