Spring seems to have arrived in Brussels, especially with regards to new actions on cleaning transport in the EU. Several recent proposals of the EU Spanish presidency, the new Commission and EU Parliament call to speed up support for co-called Clean and Energy Efficient Vehicles. The EHA took action and submitted a position paper as contribution to the consultation of the EU Enterprise and Industry Directorate on an EU Clean and Energy Efficient Vehicles strategy, emphasizing the need for a coordinated, energy efficient electric transport infrastructure build-up for electric battery and fuel cell electric vehicles. In addition we co-organized, together with HyER (formerly HyRaMP) and the West Midlands in Europe office and with the support of ERTRAC and the FCH JU, a very successful policy event on this topic on March 23, during the EU Sustainable Energy Week. The new EHA/DWV Strategy Paper was presented at this event to the director of Automotive in the Commission, Philippe Jean, who is responsible for the new strategy. The paper outlines the role of hydrogen as an energy carrier in the new global energy system, pointing to the need of the efficient use of primary energy sources in electric transport infrastructure planning. The paper can be downloaded here.