The announcement of the EU Spanish presidency of an EU Electric Car Plan dominated the news in the first few days of the newly appointed EU Commission. The EHA teamed up with the Industry Grouping and Fuel Cell Europe and sent a joint letter to the Member State representatives, in time for the Electric Car Plan announcement on February 9 in Seville, to highlight the role of fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen as important components of electric transport and the decarbonisation of transport in the EU by 2050. The reaction of Members States to the Spanish proposal was encouraging in that most countries indicated that more green car technologies than just batteries needed to be included, pointing to also hydrogen, hybrides and biofuels. Industry Commissioner Tajani ten days later at an informal meeting of automotive specialists of the Member States on February 19 announced the development of an EU Strategy for Clean and Energy Efficient Cars before the Competitiveness Council of May 25-26. The EHA in its contribution to the EU 2020 strategy, that the Commission recently published, emphasised the need to consider the efficient use of primary energy in developing the right innovative industrial strategies including for transport to facilitate a rapid uptake of sustainable growth and employment. The EHA is currently preparing its contribution to the consultation on the Clean and Energy Efficient Car Strategy.