The fourth International Workshop on Hydrogen (IWH ‘2012) is organized by the “Micro Electro Thermal Systems (METS)” Research Unit in the National Engineering School of Sfax (ENIS) and the “Preparatory Institute of Engineering Studies (IPEIS) in collaboration with General Energy and Environment Engineering Society (GEEE), under the auspices of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE). The event will take place March 21-23 2012 in Sousse, Tunisia.
The objective of the Workshop is to provide technical and scientific information on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell systems to the scientific and industrial community at large. This event will be best opportunity to give a comprehensive overview of fuel cell and hydrogen activities in the Maghreb countries (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Libya,..) and to establish and strengthen a collaborative and partnership network within this field with international institutions and business leaders in the industry.
More information available via: IWH2012