When: 24 April, 2012   Where: 9, rue de la Fédération 75739 Parix Cedex 15

The IEAHIA (The International Energy Agency Hydrogen Implementing Agreement) will hold  a workshop “On-site H2 supply: Reforming versus other options” on April 24th 2012. The workshop will take place in Paris from 11AM to 5 PM at the following address: International Energy Agency, 9, rue de la Fédération 75739 Parix Cedex 15.

If you wish to attend the workshop, please send an e-mail to Mr. Corfitz Nelsson

The International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (HIA) was established in 1977 to pursue collaborative hydrogen research and development and information exchange among its member countries. Through the creation and conduct of some thirty annexes or tasks, the HIA has facilitated and managed a comprehensive range of hydrogen R&D and analysis activities. The HIA is an IEA Implementing Agreement.

Source: IEHIA