Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE), was launched in 2003 by the European Commission, the programme is part of a broad push to create an energy-intelligent future for us all. It supports EU energy efficiency and renewable energy policies, with a view to reaching the EU 2020 targets (20% cut in greenhouse gas emissions, 20% improvement in energy efficiency and 20% of renewables in EU energy consumption). Intelligent Energy – Europe creates better conditions for a more sustainable energy future in areas as varied as renewable energy, energy-efficient buildings, industry, consumer products and transport.
Running until 2013, the programme is open to all EU Member States, plus Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Croatia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. A budget of € 730 million is available to fund projects and put into place a range of European portals, facilities and initiatives.
The new IEE call for project proposals is now open. In 2012, there will be € 67 million available for funding. Do not miss the opportunity to submit your ideas for projects in areas such as energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, clean transport and local energy investments!
The call closes on 8 May 2012 for all types of actions except the Build Up Skills initiative which has different deadlines.
The IEE Info Day on the Call for Proposals will be held on January 24th 2012 in Brussels for more information on the event see: European Info Day 2012
Find out more on: IEE How to Get Funds
You may also contact the “Intelligent Energy – Europe” helpdesk