On May 15, 2018, the first day of the annual TSO and DSO joint innovation Innogrid2020+ party, ENTSO-E, the European Network of Transmission System Operators, represents 43 electricity transmission system operators (TSOs) from 36 countries across Europe and EDSO for Smart Grids gathers 36 leading electricity distribution system operators (DSOs), including 2 associations, from 20 European countries, sent 10 clear messages to the EU MFF budget negotiations:
1 A power system fit for the next decade: sound innovation and R&D actions to facilitate the integration of novel solutions into the existing system
2 Digitalisation is the main tool for and driver of the power system of the future and must be a horizontal priority in all research activities
3 Power system modernisation to be achieved through development of innovative elements and components
4 Develop a special focus on markets with consumers at their centre
5 Link extensive related research activities, specifically on energy networks, to the overarching climate agenda set by COP 21
and make them contribute to climate goals
6 Double energy transition-related research funding in FP9 to ensure competitiveness with other global players, e.g., China and
the U.S.
7 Recognise R&D spending in transmission and distribution tariffs
8 Set up a Strategic Public Private Partnership for the energy transition with an Innovation Board formed by independent experts to monitor progress with clearly set KPIs (yearly progress report)
9 Shorten the time of innovation to the market by appropriate support for market uptake, demonstrators and education
10 Combine EU and national efforts and enhance the exchange of best practices and therefore uptake of national and European research projects through dedicated transparency tools (websites, exchange, etc.)
Best quotes came from president Ben Voorhorst indicating that “only cables in the ground is not the anser society is looking for….” and the IEA that referred to “the biggest four upheavals in global energy materializing as we speak”:
The EHA on the second day popped the question in the Innovation funding session on the future of Synergy topic in the new EU Multi Financial Framework: how to link renewable power efficiently to industrial and first transport demand? Clear joint pathways by the key EU directorates are being developed on synergy betweeen digitilisation and clean energy… funding for synergies between EU’s energy and transport networks, especially in view of still rising transport emissions, still need to materialize.
Also on May 16, ENTSO-E signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on critical research, development and innovation initiatives to modernise the power grid with the US Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). The cooperation will help both organisations drive toward the European Power System 2040 and an Integrated Energy Network (http://integratedenergynetwork.com/), and includes work to support: