On March 13, 2019  the mid term confernece of EU CLINSH project  promoting clean inland waterway transport IWT. The province Zuid-Holland, as the lead partner, coordinates Dutch, Belgian, German and English public and private organizations to improve air quality in urban areas by accelerating emission reductions since 2016 with a Grant of the European fund LIFE. In Europe, there are more than 13 500 vessels offering inland freight transport services (dry cargo, tanker cargo and push & tug vessels) with a total loading capacity of 17 Mio tonnes. About 74% of the European fleet comes from Rhine countries (courtesy . According to RABO bank  68% of all vessels is built before 1980; 324 vessels use 25% of all fuel. They are working on labelling ships for Loan to Value evaluation up to 85% for green ships. Clean vessels facility EIB. 110 m vessel 13 mln  good money can be

As for the maritime sector they are is responsible for  2,5 à 3 procent of ­COemissions. This could rise to 50 tot 250 procent ­tegen 2050. The International Maritime Organisation IMO (representing 174 countries) last year set voluntary goals of less than 40% CO2 compared to 2008 by 2030 met 40% and 70% by 2050. Emissions from LNG will need to be reduced with 30% by 2040 and 50% by 2050.

The CLINSH consortium aims to:
* demonstrate the effectiveness of greening measures in the IWT sector
* stimulate the sector to personally take these greening measures
* contribute to improving air quality.

Clinsh is meausuring the exact emission pattern of a typical trip of a ship along a waterway where are the emissions the highest: these spots are where impact of clean fuels, i.e. hydrogen will be felt most profoundly.