When: 19 June, 2011

The International Conference on Hydrogen Production (ICH2P-2011) is a multi-disciplinary international conference on the production of hydrogen through various methods as well as its use in various systems, including fuel cells. It will provide a forum for the exchange of latest advances and technical information, dissemination of new research developments in the areas of hydrogen production and usage and presentations involving the future directions and priorities in the hydrogen economy for a sustainable future. The conference will have particular value and interest to researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners who are working in the field of hydrogen production technologies, ranging from policy making and technical development to management and marketing.

The conference will be held at the Science Center and TechnologyMuseum “NOESIS“, Thessaloniki, Greece. Thessaloniki, the Capital City of the Greek North, is world known for the Ancient Greek, Roman andByzantine monuments. The city’s atmosphere is a fusion of Greek, Balkan and South-eastern European influences that co-exist harmoniously, creating a multicultural and cosmopolitan environment, where visitors from all over the world feel comfortable and welcome.

For more information on this Event please refer to the official website: ICH2P-2011