The Spanish Fuel Cells Association opens its doors to Ibero-America and organizes the Ibero-American Conference on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells 2014. IBERCONAPPICE 2014 will be held from October 15 -17, in Barcelona (Spain). This year, conscious of its dynamic role, APPICE is rolling out a new initiative aimed at opening its doors to the entire Ibero-American community.
IBERCONAPPICE 2014 aims to be the premier forum of encounter and synergy for researchers, technologists, entrepreneurs and governments, by seizing the opportunity to become a benchmark in this new field that is destined to revolutionize the supply of energy, and transportation as we know it today.
IBERCONAPPICE 2014 provides the possibility of showcasing for scientific and technological development through discussion of new ideas, presentation of prototypes, innovative energy generation systems related to hydrogen and fuel cells.