When: 24 November, 2010

The Norwegian Hydrogen Association, HyNor will be holding their Yearly Hydrogen Conference on November 24th 2010 at Kunnskapsbyen Conference Center,  Kjeller, Norway.

2010 marks the first year of HyNor’s second phase. We have seen the existing stations have gone into a normal operating phase, with good up-time. In 2010 the hydrogen boat MF Vågen was put into action in the Bergen harbor, and has been in operation since the summer. There has also been a formidable throughout the year with many new projects, resulting in 2011 becoming the biggest year for hydrogen infrastructure in Norway so far! No less than four new will open next year, one of them being the first lighthouse project on hydroen infrastructure in Europe. The number of hydrogen vehicles on Norwegian roads will also increase with 17 fuel cell cars and 5 fuel cell buses. All this ensures that the HyNor project remains as one of the most innovative and alive hydrogen projects in the world.

View the programme for the Conference below:


09.00-10.30 Hydrogen infrastructure in Norway

• Welcome, Bjørn Simonsen, HyNor Chairman
• Opening of the HyNor-conference, Ola Elvestuen, Venstre
• Experiences from the hydrogen boat MF Vågen, Tomas Ryberg, Prototech AS
• Hydrogen for Risavika Harbour, Per-Møller Pettersen, HyNor Stavanger
• H2-Moves Scandinavia: Lighthouse-project for hydrogen infrastructure in Scandinavia with hub in Oslo, Ulrich Bünger, LBST and Steffen Møller-Holst, SINTEF

15 min coffee break

10.45 – 12.00 Hydrogen infrastructure cont.
• Leasing of Daimler B-Class F-CELL, Johnny Krisitan Danielsen, Bertel O. Steen
• HyNor Oslo Bus/Oslo CHIC, Ove Kjølstad, Ruter
• Hynor Lillestrøm, innovation and value creation, Per Finden, IFE
• ZeroRally 2010 – summary and invitation to next year’s rally, Bjørnar Kruse, ZERO

Kl. 12.00-13.00 Lunch

13.00-14.30 Possibilities for new industry in the commercialization of hydrogen

• How is California preparing for the commercial market? Nico Bouwkamp, California Fuel Cell Partnership
• Emission-free mobility with fuel cell vehicles, Sabine Becker, Daimler
• HyNor was not built in one day – what possibilities and challenges has the project brought along? Bjørn Gregert Halvorsen, Statoil

15 min coffee break

14.45-15.45 Hydrogen-cluster at Kjeller

• How to create business of new ideas? Vidar Sannerhagen, Campus Kjeller
• Compression of hydrogen using waste-heat, Jon Eriksen, HYSTORSYS
• Production of electricity and hydrogen with integrated CO2-capture, Bjørg Andresen, ZEG-Power
• The Plasmarevolution: On-demand hydrogen production with zero emissions, Per Espen Stoknes, GasPlas

Summary and closure w/ Bjørn Simonsen

Sign up for the conference at www.hynor.no/registration
Participation-fee: 1000/1500 NOK for HyNor-partners / no-partners
Free participation for students, politicians, and press
The conference will be held in english.