In the latest feedback on the discussions on the specifications in Art 5 on Hydrogen Refueling Stations, HRS,in the EU Commission’s proposal for an EU Directive on Alternative fuels infrastructure (COM 2013/18) it seems that Member States are hesitant in confirming targets for hydrogen stations. Many refer to the need to align the roll out of infrastructure with the roll of out of (fuel cell) vehicles. Industry is questioning if the 300 km distance between stations of a national HRS network is not too high, referring to the need for solid urban HRS networks as well. At the same time the important references to the need to integrate clean technologies in the in the newly approved Trans European Network for Transport , TEN T, Guidelines offer opportunities already in the coming years to install several HRS along these important European road corridors. The EHA in collaboration with HyER is again facilitating the presence of fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen refueling equipment at the upcoming TEN T Days in Talinn from October 15 – 18, 2013 to balance the huge presence of CNG this year at the event. Furthermore the finalisation of the Structural Funds budget for 2014 – 2020 t and the consequences of the Smart Specialisation requirements.
Another EU program that could further cement the framework for urban HRS roll out in the coming years is the Smart Cities and Communities (SCC) Initiative. The EC is currently finalizing a first draft of the SCC Implementation Plan in which mobility and transport infrastructure are featured in three thematic areas. The results of the more than 100 projects that since 2009 have been managed by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) point to the great potential of European fuel cell and hydrogen companies and research institutes to become market leaders in the global commercialisation of these applications. At the start of a new EU lobby season the EHA, together with its 21 national association members ,looks forward to actively mobilize the right EU programs, project partners and media to cover every km of Europe and beyond with a sufficient and clean hydrogen supply !