The Czech Ministries of Transport and Education and Technology at the opening of the Hydrogen Days 2016 in Prague organized by the Czech Hydrogen Technology Platform all  confirmed their interest in developing the use of hydrogen and fuel cells in the Czech Republic and to develop a plan for the roll out of the first refuelling stations. The Environment Ministry will support the hydrogen and fuel cell deployment topic at the next joint Environment and Transport Council organized by the Dutch presidency on April 14-15, 2016 as well. The Czech Mobility plan for the first time refers to H2 and two pilot centres will be set up accompanied by a study on the potential of the use of H2 vehicles.  The conference, which has been organized for the third time, included upclose insight in FC and H2 actvities in the different Visegrad countries:

Poland: historically is conducting extensive research and development activites on SOFC, where the first interest of gas and electrical power companies is opening doors to a first market

In the Czech Republic and Slovakia commercial activities are still challenging: there are no specifi cbudgets for FC and H2 technologies and they need to compete with other technologies for research budgets as well.

Romania: a new Romanian Energy Storage Technology centre has been set up to align research activities with the developments in Western Europe.

Hungary unfortunartely was not present but is Hydorgen adn feul cell Platform has completed a FCH roadmap as well and has worked hard to establish interest at the bigger power companies as well as public transpot authority level.

The European Energy Research Alliance set up in 2012 is offering good opportunities for projects in Visegrad countries.: however a national umbrella organisation is needed to support the work for EERA as there is a need to cover the membership fee and travel costs to meetings.

The EHA moderated a panel of representatives of different programs in EU Member States and the FCH JU commenting on current developments in EU regions: these programs have gone through years of creating the necessary conditions for roll out. Czech colleagues commented that new Member States are struggling to catch up eventhough EU budget is available: it seems that political and techncial breakthroughs need to be forced through strong collaborations with relevant established organisations to embed FC and H2 activities in the right waves of change in Visegrad countries. The Hydorgen Days include an impressive program of technicall presentations as well.