After the summer break EU institutions swung back into high gears to finalize the EU reports on the Connecting Europe Facility a multi annual financial instrument to finance Transport, energy and ICT infrastructure necessary for a smooth operation of the EU internal market. the TEN T guidelines that describe the overall framework of the future EU transport infrastructure development include clear references to the need to integrate the infrastructure for alternative fuels into Europe’s main corridors. However the means to do this that should have been indicated in the CEF are missing as the financing for the TEN T networks are mainly focused on rail improvement. As the coming 7 years are crucial for electric battery and electric fuel roll out it is crucial that the required infrastructure is being build up in n accelerated way. The EHA together with HyER has been meeting with EU Parliament members to find a way to ensure that hydrogen and recharging infrastructure is included in the CEF.
At a conference on the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) on October 2, 2012, EU Commission’s president Barroso confirmed that the CEF is one of the most important but difficult proposals in the Multi Annual Financial Framework (2014 -2020). Last July and EU Parliament and Council reached an agreement on a Euro 4.6 billion project bond pilot.
EU’s Infrastructure industry is a 12.6 trillion sector with great export potential. According to president Barroso infrastructure projects need to have a transnational dimension and national governemnts need to leverage 30 bln EU funding for transport to the 150 bln total funding needed. Adina Ioana Valean MEP, rapporteur on Connecting Europe Facility of the European Parliament referred to the need to simplify programs, and implement project bonds to leverage funds. She included an extra paragraph on synergies between transport and energy projects that could support H2 infrastructure needs and the EHA has submitted ideas to her office for synergy projects that link clean energy to clean transport using hydrogen as an energy carrrier . Pierre Mongin Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, of the French RATP Group suggested to triple the budget for urban transport in Structural funds to 20 bln for 7 years to address the need to improve urban transport nods allowing easier access to stations and frequent mass transport. He indicated that large innovative funding through project bonds must be increased after the pilot fase and that EIB must use its recent recapitalisation to support projects that are ready to start.
The EHA Board at its last meeting discussed ideas for large scale project that have been submitted to rapporteur Valean’s office as examples for synergy projects.