On April 5, 2017, a kick off meeting in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, attracted government and industry representatives, experts and members of the scientific community interested in hydrogen energy and mobility in Brazil. The event was hosted by the Hydrogen Laboratory of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, considered the best Brazilian university in 2016, together with Furnas, an utility company of the State Rio which generates 10% of Brazil’s electricity, with 17 hydroelectric power stations and two thermal power stations. During the event, Prof. Emilio V. de Miranda launched the Brazilian Hydrogen Association (ABH2 – Associação Brasilieira do Hidrogênio) and a hybrid hydrogen-electric built at the university’s hydrogen laboratory together with Furnas. Silke Frank, from Peter Sauber Agentur Messen und Kongresse GmbH, launched the Call for Papers for the 22nd WORLD HYDROGEN ENERGY CONFERENCE (WHEC 2018), which will take place from June 17 to 22, 2018 in Rio de Janeiro. Brazil has a tradition of developing and using renewable energy sources in large scale and in 2016 82,8% of electricity was produced from renewable sources. The size and characteristics of the Brazilian industry and its big markets offer excellent opportunities for global partnerships that can support the introduction of the technology in commercial scale. For more info please visist www.whec2018.com. EHA as network partner of the CTCN is currently supporting a Brazilian Technical Assistance request to set up hydrogen clusters in Brazil. EHA ‘s session on April 27, at 1400 at the Hannover Fair on technology transfer will feature a presentation on the Brazilian developments.