Honda is featuring fuel cell car the FCX Clarity fuel cell car at the Geneva Motor Show (March 5-15, 2009) . The FCX Clarity is a next-generation, zero-emission, hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicle based on an entirely new Honda V Flow fuel cell platform, powered by the Honda V Flow fuel cell stack. The latest FCX sees improvements to driving range, power, weight and efficiency and boasts a startup at temperatures as low as -30° C. The FCX Clarity demonstrates the complementary use of fuel cells and batteries in new car models, using Honda’s V Flow stack in combination with a new compact and efficient lithium ion battery pack and a single hydrogen storage tank to power the vehicle’s electric drive motor. Honda has begun leasing the FCX Clarity to a limited number of retail consumers in California, with the first vehicles having been delivered in the summer of 2008. Among those to receive the second generation of Honda’s fuel cell car will be the LA-based Spallino family who were the world’s first hydrogen family when they began leasing a previous generation FCX in June 2005.