The Hydrogen Infrastructure for Transport, HIT, project’s expert team, that is distilling a Synchronized Implementation Plan for the roll out of hydrogen refueling infrastructure along TEN T corridors, based on the National Implementation Plan in the four HIT pilot countries NL, DK, F and SE, came out with a comprehensive overview of HRS and FCEV status in Europe and the rest of the world plus preliminary recommendations for policy makers . The paper seeks to provide background and input to the national action plans that are foreseen in the Directive  on alternative fuels infrastructure development that saw its final approval by the EU Council on September 29, 2014. The Directive indicates in art 5. that “those Member States which decide to include hydrogen refuelling points accessible to the public in their national policy framework shall ensure that an appropriate number of such points are available to ensure the circulation of hydrogen powered motor vehicles, including fuel cell vehicles, within networks determined by those Member States, including cross-border links where appropriate, by 31 December 2025 at the latest. The HIT project is the first hydrogen project in the EU Trans European Network for Transport, TEN T, program as part of the EU Connecting Europe Facility and is co-funded by the EU Commission.  (photo: one of the HIT stations recently opened in Rotterdam , Netherlands). You can download the paper below.