Also this year the EHA is present at the Hanover Fair, an annual  showcase of  industrial activities in a range of sector’s. The EHA together with HyER, the European Association for Hydrogen, Fuel cell and Electro-mobility in European Regions and the Spanish Hydrogen Association is presenting different project results in H2 and FC Training, HyFACTS, HyProfessionals and early markets the material handling projects Shel and HyLift Demo as well as the curretn EU fuel cell bus projects that HyER regiosn are involved in CHIC, HighVLO-City  and the Fuel cell taxi and scooter project demo in London and Copenhagen , HyTEC.
The H2 and  FC Group Exhibit is bigger than last year, seeing more representation of the US,  flocking to Europe for the real H2 action (?), and even a Russian FC Day. The kick off of the H2 and FC Group Exhibit focused on the impressive hydrogen storage activities in Germany, with EHA members Linde,  presenting their green hydrogen production pilot and Hydrogenics explaining their activities in a large wind- hydrogen project in Brandenburg. The EHA followed this press conference with a presentation of the EHA lobbying efforts in Brussels emphasizing the need to communicate the role of hydrogen in energy storage now to make sure that EU political and financial support in the next EU financial cycle starting in 2014. The EHA called industries active in this field to join forces in presenting the hydrogen case in storing any quantity of energy  to the EU Commission. The EHA together with HyER  is meeting with the cabinet of Energy Commissioner Oettinger to discuss the build up  hydrogen infrastructure in view of the EU Commission larger energy infrastructure plans in their Connecting Europe Facility proposal that is currently being discussed in EU Parliament.  The CEF is the new EU financing instrument for transport, energy and ICT infrastucture development in the next 7 years and the EHA is promoting that hydrogen solutions are included.