The third day is traditionally one of the biggest days at the Hannover Fair and key presentations at the FC, H2 and Battery Group Exhibit offered a few of the Ten Highlights of the third day:

  1. The Group exhibit’s buzz of the day was the highly anticipated Hydrogen Council public forum presentation: Antoine Mazas managing director of Air Liquide Advanced Technologies Germany, Anna Kleczka, Head Of the Hydrogen project of BMW and Ferry Franz, director of Toyota Europe office in Berlin presented  the objective of the Hydrogen Council, a coalition of 13 big companies committing 10.7 bln investment in hydrogen in the coming five years,  as presented at the World Economic Forum in Davos last Janaury: talk at the highest levels of the role of hydorgen in the world’s energy transition away from fossil fuels. Ferry Franz reminded the audience about Toyota’s sustainable goals in zero emission car production, recycling and manufacturing by 2050. Anna Kleczka referred to the
  2. Kristian Vik of the Norwegian Hydrogen Forum presented the efforts in Norway on developing hydrogen powered ferries and trucks. Many H2 stations in Norway use payment by smart phone and one of the latest statiosn in Sandvika
  3. EHA president Ian Williamson briefed the EHA Board members, Javier Brey, Kristian Vik, and Bjørn Aronsson who are all present at the H2 and FC Battery Group Exhibit on the recently apporved Synergy proposal that EHA c0-prepared.
  4. Announcements of Electrolyser modular  scale up to 60 MW came from PEM electrolyser maker Areva H2 GEN spotting a 5 GW market in China where 40 TWh of hydraulic  power is lost.
  5. ITM Power presented its 100MW modular electrolyser design
  6. NELO Hydrogen anticipated  a final and binding share purchase agreement with the F9 Investments LLC, the shareholder of Proton OnSite, to acquire 100% of the shares of Proton OnSite. This will make Nel the world’s largest manufacturer of water electrolysers for hydrogen production, offering both alkaline and PEM electrolysers in all relevant sizes and markets. Nel is acquiring 100% of the shares in Proton OnSite for a total consideration of USD 70 million
  7. The drive and ride this year featured two BMW fc powered 7 series, one toyota Mirai and one Hyunadai, one Honda Clarity.
  8. The Energy Transition Committee published its latest Full report on April 25, 2017Fossil fuel companies such as RWE,  mining giants like BHP, and banks including HSBC and Bank of America, work with the World Resources Institute and other NGOs to create several plans to help advanced economies meet the targets of the Paris climate agreement without slashing economic growth.
  9. Sharon blare of HyPlat, a South African Pt catalyst company and part of the South African HYSA Catalysis program reported a very good fair experience during their second year at the Group Exhibit: Sharon presents the HySA activities at the EHA Technology Transfer session on April 28.
  10. Dinner talk on current activities of Intelligent Energy on stationary applications in the US and longstanding contribution of its former CEO and FCH JU Governing Board member to the FCH JU program.