A joint workshop will be organised by the projects: H2Trust, SUAV, Hycarus and HYPER and will take place on Wednesday 25th February in Barcelona. The workshop programme is as follow:

14.00 – 15.00: Project presentations

15.00 – 16.00: Presentations on ‘Critical aspects to consider when planning for field trials’ (20 minutes including questions)

Professor Wolfgang Winkler (University of Hamburg): certification and standards
Luis Muñoz Sebastian (Iberdrola): practical implementation
Pietro Moretto (JRC): safety and risk

16.00 – 16.30: Coffee Break

16.30 – 17.15: Groups discussions around the top three themes from all those identified in the project presentations, including:

Understanding the challenges in more detail
The key contributing factors
What solutions have been tried
What worked, what didn’t
What are the outstanding issues – gaps in knowledge / ability

17:15 – 18.00: Report back information from each group leading to a general discussion, in particular focussing on potential solutions to the outstanding problems.