A consortium of HINICIO, ECN, GREXEL, LBST and TÜV SÜD have joined hands to bring a Europe-wide green and low carbon hydrogen Garanty of Origin (GO) scheme closer to implementation financed by the FCH JU. Building upon the success of the previous CertifHy project, they will demonstrate how the Green GO scheme will work in practice through a pilot. Four pilot production sites across Europe with different hydrogen productions pathways will have their green or low carbon hydrogen production batches certified. Hydrogen GOs will be issued and a pilot GO register will allow GOs to be traded and Green Hydrogen to be provided to a hydrogen consumer by cancelling GOs in the corresponding amount. Thereby, the key phases of the GO process will be implemented and tested, providing real-life return on experience to develop the GO scheme and procedures.
To ensure that CertifHy meets all the stakeholders’ expectations, a Stakeholder Platformis being set up November 20th 2017, 10am to 6pm to provide governance to the CertifHy project progress via the establishment of Work Groups (WGs) on various themes (GO scheme, green hydrogen production, green hydrogen consumption and regulatory) as well as a Steering Group.
The Platform will be made operational on this occasion with the election of Work Group chair and co-chairs and the creation of a Steering group. The Work Group programs and the pilot specifications will also be presented. A detailed agenda will follow in upcoming weeks. Application to the working groups at the following link: CertifHy Stakeholder Platform and Working Group registration.