EHA is representing the European hydrogen industry in recent meetings of the Future Transport Fuels Expert Group. The Group has taken an advising role to the European Commission on the development of political strategies and concrete measure aiming at substituting fossil oil as transport fuel.
The group has been able to submit strategic input to the new White Paper on transport, adopted March 28, 2011 and will submit a road map with recommendations on policy next measures in October 2011.
The Expert Group on Future Transport Fuels shall, on the basis of existing and new studies.
1. Assess market potential, technological issues, economic viability, industrial implications, social and demographic aspects, environmental impacts, and safety, of the different fuelsconsidered as part of a long term oil substitution for transport fuels
2. Systematically consider factors that could affect long term viability of alternatives –including security of supply, availability of feedstock, resources required for the fuel chain
3. Design scenarios towards full substitution of fossil energy sources for transport fuels
4. Devise a development and field testing programme and identify needs for public support
5. Recommend actions and policy measures towards full substitution of oil as transport fuel.