During the EU Sustainable Energy Week a EHA, HyER (formerly HyRaMP), Fuel Cell Europe, and New IG are collaboratively holding the public workshop “Fuel cells and hydrogen within the European Initiative on Smart Cities.” at the Palais des Académies, Rue Ducale 1, Brussels 1000.
The workshop will be held from from 9.30 till 12.45 and will showcase existing fuel cell and hydrogen technologies solutions in different cities throughout Europe and the latest developments for buildings, energy networks and transport. It will give the opportunity to get in touch with key players and innovators in the field.
The presentations and lively Q&A sessions will expose the sustainability of the fuel cells and hydrogen solutions. The event will be followed by a networking lunch.
1. Welcome and introductions
2. Hydrogen as a sustainable energy carrier
a. Local hydrogen production from renewable sources
b. Hydrogen for renewable electricity storage
3. The overall efficiency of hydrogen / fuel cell applications in buildings
4. Fuel cells and hydrogen for zero emissions in passenger transport
5. Vision, potential and scope for FCH technologies in the EU Initiative on Smart Cities
6. Networking lunch
The use of hydrogen, as a clean energy carrier and fuel cells, as efficient power systems, contributes to the three objectives and action areas of the European Initiative on Smart Cities, i.e. aiming at deploying energy efficiency, renewable energy and low carbon technologies in cities.
As part of the SET-Plan, hydrogen and fuel cell applications are strategic European energy technologies contributing to a low carbon (urban) energy and transport system.
Who should attend?
All interested parties in sustainable zero emissions projects in the areas of buildings, energy networks and transport within cities wanting to know about the potentials of fuel cell and hydrogen technologies for the European Initiative on Smart Cities.
Participants may Register for this event here via the EUSEW 2011 website (You first need to create an account and then select the fuel cell event).
Online registration closes on 31st of March. In case of issues or late registration, please contact the organisers (see details below).
This event is jointly co-organized by FuelCellEurope, NEW-IG and EHA (The European Hydrogen Association) three associations committed to supporting the development and market uptake of sustainable Fuel Cell and Hydrogen solutions.
Fuel Cell Europe: secretariat@fuelcelleurope.org
EHA: info@h2euro.org
NEW IG: secretariat@fchindustry-jti.eu