When: 22 November, 2011

This 4th Stakeholders’ General Assembly of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking brings together a broad range of European and global stakeholders from sectors including research, industry and financial communities, policy makers and international partners. Participants will gather to discuss and exchange views on achievements and the future developments of Fuel Cells and Hydrogen technologies, and benefit from networking opportunities.

The first day is devoted to a Programme Review. Its objective is to assess the progress of the portfolio of fuel cells and hydrogen projects in relation to the targets of the Multi-annual Implementation Plan (MAIP) and annual implementation plan as well as with reference to international developments in the field. The Programme review is also expected to feed debates and exchanges of the Stakeholders general assembly the next day.

The second day session will feature the achievement path from FCH research to market entry, with a strong focus on deployment strategies. The technology is reaching maturity and the industry is fully committed to taking the step to mass market.

The annual gathering will foster exchanges among the whole fuel cells and hydrogen sector and high level debates on appropriate public and private support to enable these technologies to consistently support EU innovation and address environment and energy challenges which Europe will face for the next decades.

Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking Programme Review and Stakeholders General Assembly 2011will take place November 22-23 in the Charlemagne Building in Brussels.

Date: 22 & 23 November 2011 Venue: Charlemagne building, Brussels, Belgium 170 rue de la Loi, 1040 Brussels

For more information see: FCH JU Stakeholder Assembly