The EHA in collaboration with EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW), AVERE (the European Association for Battery, Hybrid and Fuel cell Electric Vehicles), FCH JU (the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) and HyER (Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Electro-mobility in European Regions), hosted a “Clean Mob” of battery and fuel cell electric cars in the gardens of the Palais des Academies in Brussels on June 21. On the occasion of the “Let hydrogen move you! conference and the EHA Annual General Meeting a “CLEAN MOB” Fleet of 14 vehicles branded with the EUSEW logo, offered trips throughoput the EUSEW and during the Drive and Ride on June 21. Partcipating cars included:
1 x F-CELL B-class (Daimler)
1 x Opel Ampera (General Motors)
2 x ix35 FCEV (Hyundai)
3 x LEAF’s (Nissan)
2 x 3008 HYbrid4 (Peugeot)
2 x 508 RXH (Peugeot)
1 x Twizy (Renault)
1 x Fluence Z.E. (Renault)1 x
1 x Fuel cell hybrid bus of (Van Hool)
At the press conference after the Drive and Ride EHA president Ian Williamson indicated that this Clean Mob demonstrated again the market readiness of these vehicles and that the EHA together with its 21 national member associations is engaging national stakeholders to support further roll out Pierre Etienne Franc president of the FCH JU referred to the need for increased EU and national political and financial support to bridge the time to competitive. HyER president Andreas Ziolek pointed to the HyER member regions involved in the HyER pilot to monitor the impact of electric transport on local air quality, economic development as well as local energy infrastructure needs.