In reponse to a French ananlysis of the use og hydorgen by a French government strategist at France Stratégie « Y a-t-il une place pour l’hydrogène dans la transition énergétique ? » l’AFHYPAC published its detailed response referring to incorrect references in the report with regards to the production, distributions and use of hydrogen
According to AFHYPAC, France is the second largest car market in Europe and has the potential to become a leader in hydrogen transport and energy storage if the government at national and regional level steps its endorsement and financing of these technologies.
ADEME the French Environment and Energy Agency presented the results of the last TI TEC 2014 Call at the Jours de l’hydrogène at Belfort on September 22-23 the results of the many H2 and FC projects of the French TI-TEC 2014. The H2 and FC TI TEC 2014 program has been developed in cooperation with the regional support of